This HMPi pack will allow PALers to play the NMP2/CXE maps.
First you need to obtain the original NTSC NMP2/CXE download. It can currently be found, labelled as "Halo 1 NMP V2 Map Pack", at:
Then before installing that, grab this download and follow the instructions in the README.
Thanks to Reddog and angrycamel for this customised HMPi, and Reddog for his work on the PAL2NTSC patches.(updated) README wrote:To install NMP2/CXE using a PAL copy of Halo:
1) Unpack NMP2-CXE1_With-HMPi_Final.rar
2) Copy the contents of this folder (where this README is!) into the newly created NMP2/CXE folder
* You should end up replacing RPP.exe and start.bat
* You should end up adding a ~pre folder (in the same folder as RPP.exe and ~input)
3) Run Setup.exe and follow the destructions.
Note: You man need 1.5-1.7GB to install the kit.
Note 2: A link from your original Halo to Halo NMP will not be made. You will need to update your EvoX.ini file. Something like:
Item "Halo Retail", "F:\Games\Halo\default.xbe"
Item "Halo NMP 2", "F:\Games\Halo\halonmp2.xbe"
Item "Halo CXE 1", "F:\Games\Halo\halocxe.xbe"
For more information, see: ... with-hmpi/ ... ller-hmpi/
File is attached.