PC: Begginer- A tutorial for (HHT)

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PC: Begginer- A tutorial for (HHT)

Post by Grenadiac »

This easy tutorial will let you see some things that HHT can do.

This is what HHT looks like. It's not much different from HMT, so it isn't very hard. :wink:

We'll start with the easy things.


A dependency is something that has to do with an object/weapon/etc.
For ex. The pistol bullet is a dependency of the pistol weapon.
If a Marine carries a pistol, the pistol is a dependency of the Marine.
We'll start with the Cyborg Biped.
As you can see under dependencies, the Cyborg has the normal things.
The cyborg has a model, a weapon, a dialog and all kinds of dependencies.
These can all be swapped.
By clicking on a dependency, there will be a little drop-down box under the dep. list.
Above the box says Dependency to swap with.
click on the arrow to see ALL of the other dependencies that are the same.
We will pick mod2( the model of the cyborg.)
As you can see, all the other models will be visible.
Click on another dependency, other than the cyborg.
After you have done that, click on SWAP.
The models will be swapped, without any error.
This will let the models be swapped, and you won't get a exception error( NOT FULL PROOF)
(unlike the HMT plugin)

Tutorial by MasterNeoChief

To change the filename of a meta, click on the box with the name on it.
Now, enter a new name you want to have, and press Save Changes.

Click on tag type, click on another tag and Save Changes.

This was a small, but helpful tutorial about HHT.
I hope this helped a bit, because some people wanted a tutorial badly. :wink:
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