How to make a good render

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How to make a good render

Post by Sombody123 »

I posted this on hpce a while back.

Ok, you may not think that renders are that important when doing a WIP. They could be a do or die thing though. I've seen a lot of renders that suck and make your mod look crappy. For a good render you want to not have too many things in the render. I've seen renders where there are like 5000 grenades in it. A good render has about 3 to 4 objects in it. Show the sides and top. Those are the most important. don't just make everything stay on the ground. Make it prop up on the other objects. Don't make it look symetrical, make it look different from each view. You want to make a plane and make it grey. Why grey? It just looks good. Finally use the lights to your advantage. Make sure you turn on shadows. Don't use anything that produces a big light. Make it sort of fade out. And finally use anything you can find to your advantage. You will be suprised at what you can do with renders.

I would have had less in this render but it just screamed for more. You have to konw when you should add more and take away some.
Stielhandgranate1.jpg (53.78 KiB) Viewed 567 times
citrusp3rs wrote:i can understand the motive, but if i get a cookie for every time someone said he'd use it for good, not for bad..
well, i wouldn't be able to fit through a door :P
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