Halo/PC/CE and Possibly Halo 2: Begginner: Chrome Skins

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Cheeze Man

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Halo/PC/CE and Possibly Halo 2: Begginner: Chrome Skins

Post by Cheeze Man »

In this tutorial i will teach you how to make a chrome skin for andy version of halo though in this one i will use the Warthog from halo pc

1.) Open HMT eith the map you whant editing

2.) Browsing the Bitmap Tags Find the actual skin of the object and the multipurpose of the object and extract themn to any location:

3.) Open the images you have extracted in Photoshop

4.) Select the skin of the object (not the multipurpose), then using Ctrl+U Change the Saturatuion to -100 and increase the brightnees till it looks similar to this:
and save the skin as the appropriate .dds format

5.) Set the foreground colour to #ff00ff (pure pink) then select the Multipurpose and fill the background with ff00ff usin Alt+Backspacethen save the skin in the appropriate .dds format

6.) Open HMT and inject the textures you have just edited

7.) Open HHT With the map you want and open the shader model soso tag for the object and using the Dependancy swapper swap the dependency of the bottom bitmap to the pistol cubemap:
and then click the "swap" button

8.) Load Halo and Look at your shiny object:
that should be it please e-mail cheezemanlikespie@hotmail.co.uk (me) if you have any problems and suggestions
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