HMT: How To Make A Very Powerful Gun
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:42 pm
This is a tutorial on how to make an extremely powerful gun. If done with a rocket it is a Nuke.
You will need the 56'Fing plugins HERE
1. Open up HMT
2. Open up The map you want the weapon in.
3. Go down to the weapons branch.
4. Double click the weapon you want to be very powerful.
5. On the left bring down the Magazine box and selct zero
(This is the infinate ammo part)
6. Put everything to 9999 Except Round time and chamber time.
(Do Not edit Round time and chamber time)
7. Pull down the trigger box and select zero.
(Same as magazine)
8. uncheck the does not automatic.
(If not already done)
9. Put Rounds per shot 9999. Put rounds per sec and rounds per sec to at 9999. Put Acellaration time 9999.
10. Put projectile fired at how much you want i have mine at twenty and it Creates Lag! But for the strongest nuke every put 9999.
Here is a vid to see what it looks like. ... _movie.wmv
You will need the 56'Fing plugins HERE
1. Open up HMT
2. Open up The map you want the weapon in.
3. Go down to the weapons branch.
4. Double click the weapon you want to be very powerful.
5. On the left bring down the Magazine box and selct zero
(This is the infinate ammo part)
6. Put everything to 9999 Except Round time and chamber time.
(Do Not edit Round time and chamber time)
7. Pull down the trigger box and select zero.
(Same as magazine)
8. uncheck the does not automatic.
(If not already done)
9. Put Rounds per shot 9999. Put rounds per sec and rounds per sec to at 9999. Put Acellaration time 9999.
10. Put projectile fired at how much you want i have mine at twenty and it Creates Lag! But for the strongest nuke every put 9999.
Here is a vid to see what it looks like. ... _movie.wmv