PC: Advanced- Dependencies

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PC: Advanced- Dependencies

Post by Deadly_Shadow »

In this Discussion I will be teaching you about Reflexes. But firstly, why even bother with Reflexes? What are Reflexes? These and many more questions will be answered within this Document.

Firstly, why even bother with Dependencies? What are they? Dependencies are pretty much Values within the Meta. For example, all the Meta combined forms an offset. The value at the offset is like a pointer. It points to the Meta. When you switch the Value. It now points to a new Meta. Two things may point to the same meta. Some things may not even point to the Meta at all when changed. The reason why you bother with Dependencies and CLuis actually took the time to make a prog that does it is because it makes Meta changing easily. You can switch the Model of an object by changing its Dependency.

Secondly, how does HHT know where the Dependency is and what to change it to? This is what HHT does to switch Dependencies.

- Firstly, you open a map ( HHT Does Also )

- Secondly, you select a tag in which to switch a Dependency ( HHT Goes to the Meta Part Of The Map File )

- Thirdly, you select a Filename ( HHT Goes to the Meta Offset of the Filename you selected )

- Fourthly, you select a tag on the right in which to switch with something ( HHT does a search from the Meta Offset on down for the tag - for example. 2dom or mod2 )

- Fifth, you select a Dependency in which to swap with ( HHT goes 8 Bytes ahead from the tag ( 2dom or mod2 ) and then switches those 4 Bytes with the one you are switching with

Thirdly, when in an Xml File what would something like this mean?

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