Flying the Lifepod on Lvl. 2 of Halo Now with Vid

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Flying the Lifepod on Lvl. 2 of Halo Now with Vid

Post by Sombody123 »

Ok I figured this out on my own and its fairly simple.

1) Make Backups! You dont want to lose your files. Trust me I know.

2) Now we will make the lifepod come out of a gun.
There are two ways to do this.
Use HHT or HMT. HHT is harder but is better


Open a map that has the Lifepod Entry Vehicle in HMT and scroll to the vehi tag. Chose your ENTRY lifepod and in the tag editor drop down the box by the word seat and chose 0. You will see that the seat name is lifepod driver. Change this to W-driver and save your changes.
Close the map
Open the same map HHTv5 find the vehi tag, chose the ENTRY lifepod. Look to your left and you should see dropdown boxes saying


Click on Vehi and change it to Proj.
Save your changes!
Then go to the Weap tag and choose the weap you want it to come out of. In dependencies go to proj and swap it with the lifepod proj.


Open a map that has the Lifepod Entry Vehicle in HMT and scroll to the vehi tag. Chose your ENTRY lifepod and in the tag editor drop down the box by the word seat and chose 0. You will see that the seat name is lifepod driver. Change this to W-driver and save your changes.
Then Copy the Meta name and go to the projectile you want the vehicle to be. Paste the meta name there. Save.

Yay your done!

Note: You may want to change the sounds and weather or not there is fire comming out of the back in HHT. But if you did the HHT way you can probobly figure that out on your own.

I hope this answers any questions. :D ... od_Tut.wmv
citrusp3rs wrote:i can understand the motive, but if i get a cookie for every time someone said he'd use it for good, not for bad..
well, i wouldn't be able to fit through a door :P
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