Ok this is my rendition of the Scanline tutorial.
first make a new document with these settings.
Zoom in until you hit the maximum(1600%)
Get the Pencil tool set to 1 px. black.
make this pattern.
when completed, select the ENTIRE document(Ctrl+A)
then go to Edit->Define Pattern. Name it "Scanlines".
now we can use it. ill take a simple image, Tony Montana from Scarface, for example.
Now create a new layer, then go to Edit->fill.
select your newly created scanlines.
I prefer to put the scanlines on a new layer so its easier to control opacity.
now you have a finished Product!
Q:How did you get it to be light?? mine is darker than yours!!!
A:set opacity of the scanline layer to around 70-80%
Q:where is teh pencil???
A: with the paint brush.
any other stupid questions will NOT be answered.