Strategy talk

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Re: Strategy talk

Post by DEEhunter »

I always play as forge. He gets resources the fastest at the start of a game. Its good to have a warthog rush with him.

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Re: Strategy talk

Post by JacksonCougAr »

Sometimes, we forced a guy using him to quit because we had four scarabs between us, mwa ha ha. Plus a fleet of 30 engineers at one point to heal said scarabs.
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Re: Strategy talk

Post by ScottyGEE »

Can't have that many unless you had 3 teams or were playing deathmatch =o I'm assuming 2v2 here ;p
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Re: Strategy talk

Post by DemonicSandwich »

ScottyGEE wrote:Can't have that many unless you had 3 teams or were playing deathmatch =o I'm assuming 2v2 here ;p
Not at the same time. At that point I had two Scarabs and 10 Engineers while he had one Scarab is a massive swarm of 20 Engineers.

They keep bumping each other for the right to heal the Scarab. :lol:

We didn't have two Scarabs each till the end.
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Re: Strategy talk

Post by JacksonCougAr »

Yea, the two scarabs and 30 engineers were timeshifted a bit.
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Re: Strategy talk

Post by noxiousraccoon »

In 3v3, 1 person as the Professor, 1 person as the Arbiter, and 1 person as Forge

Forge builds his base entirely of supply pads and sends them to the other players. Anders builds up reactors and makes an army of hawks and Arbiter starts creating Scarabs.

Forge and Anders from the beginning get a few warthogs together and take rebel outposts. Arbiter sends out an arbiter as well. Forge gets the new bases and builds more supply pads and sends the supplies out.

After a scarab is built and an army of hawks is on the way, Forge begins his task of creating Wolverines and Grizzlies. This eliminates possible air assaults.

With 2 scarabs, Army of hawks, Army of Grizzlies and Wolverines, it is unstoppable.

Only downside, a quick attack is bad because Forge is mostly defenseless. The other two players should keep forces with the forge base just incase.
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Re: Strategy talk

Post by xXShadowCowXx »

Well one person I encountered (who really pissed me off by the way) just rushed my base with the Arbiter and won because the Arbiter is freakin' God. I post this so people try to avoid using the tactic as it reduces the true fun of Halo Wars to a pile of rubble. So don't use it.
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Re: Strategy talk

Post by ScottyGEE »

Arbiter is only great when he's been upgraded. If he arbiter rushes in a 1v1 you can win.

At the beginning, build a turret, a barracks and supplu pad. Lock the base. Build flamers and marines. If its a quick rush, he'll either forgo building units to fund his rage or he'll have a few units which means he'll only have enough rage to destroy your turret and maybe damage a base. Once this is done, unlock your base.
All your flamers and marine will come pouring out. Target the arbiter, it won't take much to kill him with flame throwers and if he manages to teleport back to base he hardly has any resources to make much of a defence. You can send in your marines to kill the arbiter and put up a resistance to any defences he tries to build.

You should have some money now so you can either build more marines, make hogs or get a scorpian in to help assault the base, allowing the marines to focus solely on killing units while you rack up a scorpian army.
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Re: Strategy talk

Post by Battery »

Hey scotty i think i can solve the problem with the prophet rush, you can prepare your forces more also. As an elaboration, create an elephant, 4 supply pads, and station the elephant so it becomes a base. then create an army, and make as much as possible, kinda like you are going to rush them, but for defensive procedure.There leader will be killed by sheer numbers, then if you really want, take a few bases to build up economy etc, and just keep a scout close by to them just to you know, see what there up to. it doesn't work all the time, nor can you be much of any other leader then cutter, but he is a pretty nice option.
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