iPod Touch 2g Tethered Jailbreak Help/Support Thread

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iPod Touch 2g Tethered Jailbreak Help/Support Thread

Post by kibito87 »

So I got done jailbreaking my Touch 2g earlier today and it was kind of a pain to do so without the proper know how and/or support for it. It took quite a bit of time considering I had to search many resources over the internet to find just what I was looking for. So anybody that is currently looking for help or have some questions about this...here is the place to do it.

Now, since I have successfully jailbroken my iPod Touch 2nd Generation, I may be able to help some out. Maybe there are other's who have the knowledge as well. But either way, ask away, discuss away or just give some input in general.
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Re: iPod Touch 2g Tethered Jailbreak Help/Support Thread

Post by CptnNsan0 »

maybe you should put up a small tutorial.
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Re: iPod Touch 2g Tethered Jailbreak Help/Support Thread

Post by kibito87 »

I could do that. Actually, I think I may. i'll do a text one first. Then if I have time and can find a microphone i'll try a youtube version. I'll see what I can bust out in the next two days when I get time.
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Re: iPod Touch 2g Tethered Jailbreak Help/Support Thread

Post by ScottyGEE »

Why would you want a tethered jailbreak? If its anything like I just read, it sucks
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Re: iPod Touch 2g Tethered Jailbreak Help/Support Thread

Post by CptnNsan0 »

I was a former jailbreaker of the first generation ipod touch and loved it. Now that I have a 2g I missed my jailbroken ipod, so that's why I would want to jailbreak mine again. I'm sure there are many more people like me in the same situation (probably not on this site).

It has a lot of the abilities as the original 1g jailbreak. Themes being the most important and the only reason I jailbroke my touch in the first place.
As well as the interesting apps people make occasionally.
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Re: iPod Touch 2g Tethered Jailbreak Help/Support Thread

Post by ScottyGEE »

I know about jailbreaking, the reasons for and against. But this is specifically tethered jailbreaking...However this is taken from ipodtouchfans:
them wrote:Tethered Jailbreak:
- I have had my iPod jailbroken this way, and the connecting to a computer every boot thing is REALLY annoying, it might not seem so, but it is.
- Battery dies? Connect to a computer to boot up.
- Applications crashes / hangs really bad? Connect to a computer to boot up.
- No custom boot logos
- Firmware updates are annoying to handle, but then again that would depend on how nicely the exploit was implemented and how stuff in NOR is dealt with (keep at 2.1.1 stuff, replace with 2.1.1 kernel on fs? put patched 2.2 stuff and have it default to dfu every boot? there are a few possibilities)
- It will waste a lot of our time to work on versus finding a permanant jailbreak
- 2.2 OTB people will encounter some issues that would require a workaround, due to a new NAND that 2.1.1 iBoot does not support, which would also take more time away from searching for a bootrom exploit
- People won’t read the fine print (the fact that it is tethered) and complain that we bricked their iPods, taking away time from us
- We will have to support any problems people are having, taking time away from searching for a bootrom exploit, and just not helping them would make us come off in a bad light, so that is not much of an option
- Datel and our buddies in the ea$t would surely leech off of our success by making cheap and unreliable dongles that an be manufactured for not much at all in China, and they could be sold for $50 or more becuase they know that people will buy into it
- And the list goes on
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Re: iPod Touch 2g Tethered Jailbreak Help/Support Thread

Post by kibito87 »

Most of those issues are easily dealt with. Thus far I have only had to redo my iPod once and that was because of something from Cydia that needed my iPod to reboot. It shut it off and wouldn't boot. Forunately I was already at home. Then it took me a matter of maybe 5-10 minutes. Since then, i haven't had to deal with any of that. And what's the point of updating the firmware if you plan on un-tethered jailbreaking your iPod anyways? Customizing the shit outta my iPod has been quite joyous. It's really not much hassle besides the initial jailbreaking process...and even then, if you have the right resources, it wouldn't be that hard either.

Scotty's being a dingleberry, shitting on our party. :P

musclenerd of the Iphone Dev Team wrote:Yesterday, ChrisFrancia suggested a great idea to me via twitter. It's a sort of "semi-tethered" setup where if you are not tethered to a computer, your iPod Touch 2G still boots but without any jailbroken functionality.. Your official apps will still work.

I've put together a sample implementation of this at http://iphwn.org/rslite102semi.zip

It's an advanced technique but if you are able to apply it, you'll probably feel a lot more at ease carrying around your iPod Touch 2G without fearing a reboot.
I think i'll try this when I get sometime and let everyone know...unless somebody else get's to it first. But i'll post my feedback regardless.
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