you need to post a download other than that i think you might have a bit of potential in the originality area ive seen a elite pradator maybe you could try some alien vs predator style mods.
youl have to contact DECOY about the predator though.
Looks pretty cool, and like it has potential, just streamline it a bit more, make it smoother and more curvy like a real alien would look like.
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DJ_Gnomey wrote:Looks like an elite with pulled vertices and a screwed up UVW....
like what i said...
haha exactly what you said its good for starters work on it then release it lol i could use something like this with permission of course in my mod just to put a twist on it i suck at modeling people just guns
CDK908 wrote:just looks like a few stretch vertexes on the original elite...
i hate to burst your bubble and all....but moving verts is the only thing you can do to models in halo pc unless you make em in ce and convert em to pc.
SHOUTrvb wrote:I'm in love with Tural, but I keep having all these negative discussions with him.
CDK908 wrote:just looks like a few stretch vertexes on the original elite...
i hate to burst your bubble and all....but moving verts is the only thing you can do to models in halo pc unless you make em in ce and convert em to pc.
but he makes it extremely easy to tell which vertex he moved.
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Andrew Jackson wrote:I have only two regrets: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C. Calhoun.