Oh of course fine sir, I'm sure that most of us knew that already that they were tags and not the models, I'm just so silly in typing the wrong word because just saying the tags were by dec would have made perfect sense to him...
Next time I'll just be more careful to avoid you posting and having to tell me of my mistakes and this one that follows.....................
Got any other pics Dstin1?
This collaboration is not endorsed by Halomods
Technically its only me animating though
sry scotty. I will try to update this tomarrow night. Here is a HUGE list of everything that needs to be done before I post this in the downloads section:
1. Beam rifle, shotgun, and sniper rifle are automatic (This was not intended, but it happend when I made the brute shot automatic). Very easy fix, all I need to do is change their triggers.
2. The rain's direction needs to be changed 180 degrees, I think I could figure it out easily just by looking in the weat tag.
3. I need to change the red teams spawns completely (assault, and ctf). the flag and bomb will spawn on top of the tower that you get teleported to.
4. Im going to remove the blue teleporter, and replace it with the relic teleporter machinery, then link it to a ctrl that will be on the opposite team's base.
5. Im going to mod the covy turret so one trigger is a flame thrower, the other is a sniper. this way, people will acually have use for the turret.
6. Im going to change the human turret so it only takes 3 shots to kill someone. this way, people will also have use for this turret, and it will help balance the map.
7. Beam rifle, both plasma rifles, covy shield and turret will be re-skinned so they are not so bright, and take off from this map's theme.
8. I need to fix the flame thrower's spawn, and add the human bo in the room it spawns. there will also be drops of water (from desolation) falling from cracks in the ceiling.
9. Im adding a hunter jail cell over the containment room, and nulling the phisical model so you can go through it, but you can also destroy it.
10. More scenery (the pic with the hologram, and the needle grenade, there are going to be 2 more smaller holograms in there, plus the ctrl for the teleporter.
11. Fix weapons that do not spawn on map (needler &plasma pistol) so incase people do gametype edits.
as you can see there is ALOT that needs to be done. I figure I can do it in 2 weeks however.
ScottyGEE wrote:Oh of course fine sir, I'm sure that most of us knew that already that they were tags and not the models, I'm just so silly in typing the wrong word because just saying the tags were by dec would have made perfect sense to him...
Next time I'll just be more careful to avoid you posting and having to tell me of my mistakes and this one that follows.....................
Yeah Nice mod but there my models, you asked me like 5 times over PM to upload them then forgot my name? or was that someone else, ah well looks a decent looking mod.
Please put my name in the credits that's all i ever ask.
P.S AWSOME Flamethrower Effect, is it possible to get rid of the green on it?
dec1234 wrote:Yeah Nice mod but there my models, you asked me like 5 times over PM to upload them then forgot my name? or was that someone else, ah well looks a decent looking mod.
Please put my name in the credits that's all i ever ask.
P.S AWSOME Flamethrower Effect, is it possible to get rid of the green on it?
no, that was not me who asked you to upload them. but I was going to post your name in the final credits for sure, I know that I would not be able to use the tags if I didn't. But, you're tags were a huge help with this mod, so I'll edit my main post in this topic to credit you. &thanks so much for uploading those tags and letting people use them.
oh yes, and the green has already been removed from the flame thrower.
and the color of the little orange orb coming from the muzzle of gun has been changed so it fits properly.
ScottyGEE wrote:models are done by dec1234 just so you know.
plus itll avoif a whole flame war in future
Looks like you used Halo 2: CE as the base of this mod, I can see three guns that look like they started from h2ce. Not saying that's bad, just wondering if I'm right. It looks really good for a first mod, I like the looks of it.
ScottyGEE wrote:models are done by dec1234 just so you know.
plus itll avoif a whole flame war in future
Looks like you used Halo 2: CE as the base of this mod, I can see three guns that look like they started from h2ce. Not saying that's bad, just wondering if I'm right. It looks really good for a first mod, I like the looks of it.
naa. I started this from a clean lockout.map. the only thing from CE is the healthbar, and that is just because I use their shared file.
I know I told a few people that I would give them a patch over AIM for the map (for testing, and helping me with some spawns), but sorry, I have fixed/added many things today, and have decided I am not going to upload this until I am done doing everything that I can do with the map.