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Enclosure v2

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:21 pm
by Cr0ok3d
Enclosure v2
• • • Author - Cr0ok3d, with some minor help from Gravedigger5454
• • • Download Enclosure v2
Available Gametypes: All
Recommended Gametypes: Multi-flag CTF
Gametypes made for map: -
Recommended Players: 4-12

"A few years ago, this was a flurishing construction site. Fujikawa-Shaw engines were being mass-produced for light-speed travel to get around quicker than ever in 2525. Now, in 2553 it is left desolated. The unexpected shutdown of the installation triggered a failsafe protocol and left everything in prestine condition. Located in the city of Voi, the building site became abandoned on account of Masterchief destroying all anti-air Covenant defenses so that Hood can lead the last of Earth's ships against the Prophet."

Enclosure v2 you may be saying, "Where is version one?" Well I was going to release v1 but after a lot of testing I had to fix a lot of things, spawns, weapon placement, ammo, etc... Well this is my final version and my first completed map. Enclosure is a small symmetrical mutli-flag ctf map. It also works well for slayer and other gametypes. I am creating a king of the hill and territories as we speak so they are playable. In the center is a cage. It the main place where action occurs. It holds a shotgun and a few stickies. I loved the idea when it came to mind of a cage and tried to make it as playable as possible.

Now I went back and interlocked all of the pieces and smoothed out the edges. Around this cage I have two sniper bases, one for each team. In each of them they hold one sniper, a battle rifle, regenerator, and two spikers (for dualing). Where the flag is stationed I have a little different setup. Some cover, a mauler, assault rifle, and a few frags. These are to defend. Each side also has a mongoose located in the open single-box in the back corner. Use these to your advantage!

2x Sniper (8 shots)
1x Rocket (2 shots)
4x Battle Rifle
2x Assault Rifle
1x Shotgun
2x Spiker (4 but for dualing)
2x Mauler
4x Spike Grenade
4x Sticky Grenade
2x Frag Grenade
2x Regenerator
1x Power Drain









~ Now that I look at these. The screenshots are a little small I will try to get the bigger. In the meantime please download and check it out! Feedback is appreciated! ~

Map created by Cr0ok3d
Do not under any circumstance rename or change the map in any way, nor give the map a new author with out the author's consent.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:13 pm
by bballaplaya4life
Cool! Gotta delete some items before I can DL... stupid limit.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:20 pm
by Cr0ok3d
Finally! Someone comments on this map! Please try to get back to me on what you think I can improve!

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:07 pm
by {N}nivlac
Looks great! I really like the ramp merged with the ground it gives it that real map feel (made by Bungie type thing) GREAT :D

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:05 pm
by Cr0ok3d
Thank you!