This map is is designed solely as a FFA map. I'd much rather test it a little before I release it, but I don't have that luxury as of right now. I am taking criticism and updating as needed, however there's not much that I can do about the camping.
The map is based off of Ascension and has many tunnels to hide in. There is an outside tunnel that outlines the map. Camo spawns inside the tunnel and weapons spawn at each corner. There is a teleporter outside the map that teleports you back in if you get stuck outside.
Description: Can you survive the harsh punishments of The Castle? 2-8 Players...
1 shotgun
1 sniper
1 mauler
1 sentinel beam
2 BRs
1 carbine
1 assault rifle
1 needler
2 SMG's
2 spikers
1 magnum
2 Plasma Rifles
2 Frags
2 Plasmas
1 Regnerater
FFA styled map
1 Active Camo
Many walkways and tunnels
Tunnel that outlines map
Pictures: (Click To Enlarge)
Lift Hallway
Teleporter Room
Left Entrance of Camo Tunnel
Right Entrance of Camo Tunnel
Needler Side; Camo Tunnel
Regenerator, Spikers, Plasmas
Stairs, Dual SMG's
Sniper Spawn
Shotgun Spawn (Level 1)
BR Spawn (Level 2)
Sentinel Beam Spawn (Level 3)
.::Download - Slot 6::.