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Jail Cell v2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:40 pm
by DrXThirst
It all started Saturday night about 11:00. I went into Forge and started messing around. Well, it turned out to be amazing. This map is insane. It's one of the best Forged maps I have seen so far. The map supports slayer, oddball and CTF.

-Man cannons fixed to where they work every time.
-Gravity Lifts in back of bases spawn instantly when blown up.
-Rockets have fixed placement.
-Shield doors have been moved, however not visibly.
-Fence walls by gravity lift have been fixed so that 1.) You cannot get out, and 2.) You can actually go up the lift without getting stuck.

-Bases with 2 levels of fun
-Each base has a power-up
-Each base has a sniper
-Symmetrical Map
-Each base has an equipment
-Amazing gameplay
-Man cannons
-Great teleporters

Video Preview:

Pictures: (Click To Enlarge)
Red Base
Red Base Power-Up
Blue Base
Man Cannons - Take you to upper level
Overview 1
Overview 2


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:17 pm
by Hawaiian Modder
Awesome map dude, I can't play it today but off of the pictures it looks great.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:56 am
by DrXThirst
Update is out.

I'm not really trying to bump this, it's just the fact that I'm trying to enter it into the MLG Foundry contest (I really want those headphones) and I'm not getting any replies / comments / criticism. So, I'm not sure what I'll need to fix before I enter it.

So, if everyone could reply, that would be great. Thanks, thirst.