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Add "Built In" and "In your Library" Symbols.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:09 am
by ALeXtHeBLiNd
Hi, hi everybody =)
After the buttons like "A" or "D-Pad", you can now add "Built In" and "In your Library"
Symbols in your files description ! (Sorry if this is old).
- New symbol added: Party Leader "Crown"

A little example:
Step 1: Create and extract your file from the Xbox 360.
Step 2: Open it with a Hex Editor.
Step 3: Search and add values in the description.
(Offset 0000D060)
Step 4: Save, Rehash, Resign and upload back to Xbox.

What values ?
"In your Library" = EE 80 88
"Built In" = E2 98 91
"Party Leader - Crown" = EE 82 80
About a hidden X360 Sad Smiley:
This smiley appears when you use the "Build In" value.
Not very useful, but interesting.
All the best ! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:57 pm
by xI_V3n93ance_Ix
Another great Tutorial.
Thank you so much.
Hope you keep Updating this with new Smilies, or anyone else could post there research.

Re: Add "Built In" and "In your Library" Symbols.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:34 am
by InHeRiTed
Makes me Wonder if theres a way to do this without Hex Editing.Instead Using Forge 2.3 to make these Symbol Description
Programs end up in a Fail but this Post gets my 5/5 i never new it was even Possible :)

Re: Add "Built In" and "In your Library" Symbols.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:46 am
by NotZachary82
InHeRiTed wrote:Makes me Wonder if theres a way to do this without Hex Editing.Instead Using Forge 2.3 to make these Symbol Description
Programs end up in a Fail but this Post gets my 5/5 i never new it was even Possible :)
Hold on a second. Maybe I just read this wrong, but, um ...
You want an alternative method of doing this without a hex editor, and yet you don't want a program because they "end up in a Fail"?

How do you hope to achieve this alternative method then..?

Re: Add "Built In" and "In your Library" Symbols.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:27 pm
by ImpactPro
You would make a program to do it, Also if you put the "Built In" symbol do a custom map. Oh hrmmm. hehe