Anyways my gamertag is Proclaimer001 and I'm on quiet a bit. If one of you guys could message me sooner rather than later it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm going to go ahead and guess he want's someone to usermap mod for him...Tural wrote:What sort of thing are you needing help with?
I have experiencece, so I know the limitations sadly. All I need though is simple stuff, grenades into Spartans. From my understanding that is one of the more simple things to do.Tural wrote:I understood that considering he posted it in the Modding Discussion board.
My question was meant to ask why sort of modifications he wants, so I can discuss the capabilities of them and if they are even possible, it wasn't asking for the common sense answer such as that.
Ummm, I'm not an actual modder. I just need someone to mod maps for me. That's what I meant by "help".Glitch101 wrote:You have experience; Yet you can't change one tag into another?
Fair play...
I don't have the tags on me atm so I can't really help, but its pretty basic.
Open up the usermap you wish to edit in a hex editor or application with which you will edit it.
Simply select the grenade, and replace the identifier of the grenade :
For example (EO2142) might be the grenade identifier, and replace it with the spartan one; to find this you will have to open the .MAP file of whatever map your on, in Johnson or engineer. There you can find all the identifiers you require and simply swap them in and out. Im sure youtube has many newb friendly tutorials, as mine isn't that detailed.
Both Johnson, and Engineer are found on this site as research tools.
Have Fun
why? you can get the cables for free, and it gives you a sense of satisfaction to do it yourself.Proclaimer001 wrote:Ummm, I'm not an actual modder. I just need someone to mod maps for me. That's what I meant by "help".Glitch101 wrote:You have experience; Yet you can't change one tag into another?
Fair play...
I don't have the tags on me atm so I can't really help, but its pretty basic.
Open up the usermap you wish to edit in a hex editor or application with which you will edit it.
Simply select the grenade, and replace the identifier of the grenade :
For example (EO2142) might be the grenade identifier, and replace it with the spartan one; to find this you will have to open the .MAP file of whatever map your on, in Johnson or engineer. There you can find all the identifiers you require and simply swap them in and out. Im sure youtube has many newb friendly tutorials, as mine isn't that detailed.
Both Johnson, and Engineer are found on this site as research tools.
Have Fun