php error
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:26 pm
Code: Select all
Unable to upload file
Line : 259
File : usercp_avatar.php
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Code: Select all
Unable to upload file
Line : 259
File : usercp_avatar.php
lol 52kbTural wrote:Oversized? Darco's didn't work yesterday because it was over 10,000 bytes (Which I suspect the limit is set to, rather than to 10,240, which is actually 10kb).
yea i know that. but i didn't pay attention to the file size when i tried to upload it.Tural wrote:v_v
It mentions right on the page, as well as in the rules, that the max size is 10kb.
You said you were going to bed like an hour before you made those posts and such.Tural wrote:How so?