A request of sorts.
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:36 pm
Whilst I believe this requet won't get me more than a post by GTAF saying "no, locked", I would like this to be considered regardless by more than one person of staff (ie, more than the person who may or may not lock this thread).
What I am requesting is to have moderator like privallages in the Halo 2 Skins section. By "moderator like" I mean the ability to create stickies or announcements and possibly moving skins to outstanding (more later). The reasoning behind this is mainly for my skinning competition. To allow for easy management of threads without the need for constantly pm'ing staff (and being ignored...Also more on that later) for them to sticky or unsticky threads.
The competition has been growing in poopularity since its beginnings with double the entries from the 1st one to the 2nd competition, a 4 page discussion thread of my next skinning competition and even the almighty emblem administrator giving me the power to give out the skinning competition emblem are some indicators of that.
The fact that I have been considered for staff previously (but never got the chance because the arbiter system was dropped before staff could contact me [they tried on AIM ] ) is a small indication that I will not somehow abuse these powers. Also, with my extended knowledge of Halo 2 skinning it would be good to allow me to move skins to the outstanding section of Halo 2 as only I and maybe one or two others would understand what makes a skin good and what is outstanding...But that request is only optional.
The reason I ask of this is due to the inefficiency of staff in that section in previous times. My requests to sticky the skinning topic threads were previously ignored until Snave accidently stumbled upon the competition and stickied it. If one were to venture into the skins section now, one would see that the previous, old, over skinning competition is still sticked disregarding the fact that it has been a while since anyone has posted there and the fact that the competition is over.
So for a nice little summary for those who don't even want to read all of what I've written (and I'll assume that those people are the one's that won't even consider this in the first place). I would like to have moderator privalleges in the Halo 2 skins section for the ability to easily manage my skinning competitions without the need to haslte staff and then be ignored as a result. If you ever see me in anyway, abusing these small amounts of power, then remove them and even ban me if what I did wrong was that bad.
Hope you actually read this and consider...
Note: If you were thinking that moderator like powers included fancey writing and a little title saying staff...No, I don't want that at all, I don't want to look like I do anything important...I just want the comp management like tjc2k4 had.
What I am requesting is to have moderator like privallages in the Halo 2 Skins section. By "moderator like" I mean the ability to create stickies or announcements and possibly moving skins to outstanding (more later). The reasoning behind this is mainly for my skinning competition. To allow for easy management of threads without the need for constantly pm'ing staff (and being ignored...Also more on that later) for them to sticky or unsticky threads.
The competition has been growing in poopularity since its beginnings with double the entries from the 1st one to the 2nd competition, a 4 page discussion thread of my next skinning competition and even the almighty emblem administrator giving me the power to give out the skinning competition emblem are some indicators of that.
The fact that I have been considered for staff previously (but never got the chance because the arbiter system was dropped before staff could contact me [they tried on AIM ] ) is a small indication that I will not somehow abuse these powers. Also, with my extended knowledge of Halo 2 skinning it would be good to allow me to move skins to the outstanding section of Halo 2 as only I and maybe one or two others would understand what makes a skin good and what is outstanding...But that request is only optional.
The reason I ask of this is due to the inefficiency of staff in that section in previous times. My requests to sticky the skinning topic threads were previously ignored until Snave accidently stumbled upon the competition and stickied it. If one were to venture into the skins section now, one would see that the previous, old, over skinning competition is still sticked disregarding the fact that it has been a while since anyone has posted there and the fact that the competition is over.
So for a nice little summary for those who don't even want to read all of what I've written (and I'll assume that those people are the one's that won't even consider this in the first place). I would like to have moderator privalleges in the Halo 2 skins section for the ability to easily manage my skinning competitions without the need to haslte staff and then be ignored as a result. If you ever see me in anyway, abusing these small amounts of power, then remove them and even ban me if what I did wrong was that bad.
Hope you actually read this and consider...
Note: If you were thinking that moderator like powers included fancey writing and a little title saying staff...No, I don't want that at all, I don't want to look like I do anything important...I just want the comp management like tjc2k4 had.