My semi-rant on flaming and bad things going on

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My semi-rant on flaming and bad things going on

Post by mcem222 »

OK, I've hardly ever been on other forums and I started posting on this forums a few weeks ago, so excuse my n00biness if this is a little bit out of line, but whats up with the comments people are putting?
I've not only seen this on my posts, on other people's too. Let me start out what is happening with my tutorials. I've posted like three tutorials and instead of people posting about the quality of the tutorial or something like that, or maybe additions to it, all the posts have either been complimentary or people saying that it is easy or it sucks. I don't think people know the point of a tutorial anymore! The point is to TEACH people who DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IT. If you know how to do the thing on the tutorial, why are you commenting saying its so easy, or its been done before. Two out of three of my tutorials people have said they didn't like it because the mods have been done before. I browsed through the PC tutorial section and I saw there wasn't anything on what I was doing, so what does it matter if people have done the mods before! Consider this. Modding has been going on for years now and a lot of people have done it. In the case of my mods and tutorials I've figured out a lot of the stuff by myself not seeing it in a mod or anything. If someone does the same thing as another mod or tutorial and you repost it then people can say the POST has been done before. An example I'll give you is a tutorial I made on using guerila, hek+ and tool++ to build a CE map with modified tags then use that to mod a PC map. Of course that's been done before, and I guess a good deal of people could say that's easy, but I didn't see a tutorial on this website and the majority of people don't know how to do it so its perfectly fine to post it. I admit that saying the level of difficulty and whether the idea is original can be RELEVANT, but only if the person is trying to add to the conversation rather than insult somebody.

There is a similar problem for mods and videos and things like that. If a mod is generally bad, reflects no effort, or is obnoxious or something, then you should post what can be done to improve it and make a discussion. Not go ahead and saying this sucks. I personally think theres a big self-esteem issue or something. I know I know, thats like a super-stereotypical statement but its still valid in this case. People are building themselves up saying I could do that, its so easy. People have to be both respectful of other people's work, and that they are at a different level of modding. Theres a ton of people who could out-mod me, but I could go to 80% of the PC tutorials and say that I know how to do it, its so easy, and that its been done before in plenty of mods. Isn't this forum supposed to be for everyone, from beginner to advanced? It's inevitable that people will post things that reflect hard work on their part that people of a higher modding level could do easily. I know it sounds like I've been relating to myself the whole time (*sorry I tend to do that*), but this applies to pretty much everybody reading.

I think the general policy should be that if you have nothing constructive or to add to the conversation, then hold your tongue.

Thanks for reading. [/b]
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Post by Tural »

We're not going to disallow people from saying bad things. They have every right to say what they think. It isn't flaming to say a mod sucks, only to insult the person. If you see real flaming, report it. If not, deal with it. The forum is for everyone. If it wasn't, we'd be deleting all mods that were "easy" or "bad." We are not going to impose on people's rights to speak their mind.