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this is not right!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:49 pm
by Battery
this complaint is to GametagAeonFlux.

he had no right whatsoever to lock this topic.

the rules of the general chat clearly state

Have Intelligent Discussions (i.e. No Spamming, Flaming, Advertising, or other ignorant/illegal topics.)

If your topic can fit in any other board, that's where it goes

This section is not a Q & A forum

This section is for chatting not for posting your files

We'd very much prefer no chain-style forum games

This is not a recruiting board.

Lastly, this section is not a Q & A forum

the topic was not invading any of those rules. that forum is for people that can chat about things that cannot fit in any other forum, is what i want point out the most.

and more proof, if that topic does not fit, niether do these

i can keep going.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:15 pm
by Ketchup_Bomb
While I wanted to remove the worsh119 thread, Undertaker's an established member here, and it's good to hear from him.
I find that thread to be completely legitimate.

I don't pay too close attention to the whole Halo 2 modding thing, but last I heard Dootuz (whatever the heck his name is) wasn't on the.. 'good' list.
The topic has nothing to offer; it was going nowhere.

Lastly, his 'right' is that he is part of the staff.
He (we) do have the ability to take any action we see fit. If it does make people mad, his ability will be stripped.
However, with myself, SHOUT, and Gametag all on the same page here, and all having the same opinion, "abusing powers" is going to go nowhere.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:17 pm
by StalkingGrunt911
That topic was just spam. Dootuz chose to quit people didn't yell at him to stop modding...
One of the two topics you posted are lock and the other one is welcoming a old member back...

EDIT: Meh, what KB says. :P

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:21 pm
by GametagAeonFlux
You darn users and your abuse of the phrase "abuse of power".

There's nothing to discuss was his choice to leave, and he what?

We normally delete "goodbye" topics, and someone leaving may be a little sad, but it's just a one really cares. Like KB said, if I should not be a moderator, then it's for the administrators of the site to decide, not the users.


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:05 pm
by Kirk
Figured me, as a JA, should confirm what GTAF says as legitimate.