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[Suggestion]Political Debate Of the Week(PDOTW)
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:09 pm
by Cuda
Seeing the great increase of political Debate topics in the cafe in recent weeks, I was thinking of a Political debate thread, that is pinned at the top of the Cafe, with a changing topic every week. This is to decrease the political debate threads, that eventually get locked, even when there is potential for further discussion on the topic. Hot topics Such as gay Mariage, Racism, and others that lead to flame wars should be avoided, or if ever used should be heavily Moderated to keep out all homophobic remarksand or Racial slurs.
The political Debate will change depending on Current Events.(i.e. Higher Gas Prices, The war on Iraq, Illegal immigration,Terrorism, Future Presidents, and so on.)
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:34 pm
by Kurroda
sounds like a spam fest to me.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:21 pm
by Cuda
You obviously didnt see the "Hevily Moderated" part. Spammers will be dealt with. and hopefully, people would have the decency to keep it educated.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:44 pm
by Rallos
I think you aren't taking into account the name of this website. This is Halomods, not HaloPoliticalDiscussionAndModding.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:26 pm
by Cuda
Rallos wrote:I think you aren't taking into account the name of this website. This is Halomods, not HaloPoliticalDiscussionAndModding.
should be
But thats why I suggested in the Cafe, which is an off-Toppic section of this site.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:15 pm
by JK-47
Rallos wrote:I think you aren't taking into account the name of this website. This is Halomods, not HaloPoliticalDiscussionAndModding.
Anyways im getting so freaking sick of all these political debates, they are all basically on the same thing. All they do is make me mad, even if i dont post, even seeing them makes me angry
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:19 pm
by Patrickssj6
How about that?
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:00 pm
by Kurroda
yeah but it will get to out of hand we dont want to turn this site in to somthing its not suppose to be.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:38 pm
by BEEF!!!
I would be glad to do this if we had a section that didn't count posts and was moderated less.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:20 pm
by JK-47
Royal wrote:yeah but it will get to out of hand we dont want to turn this site in to somthing its not suppose to be.
True dat foo.
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 3:49 am
From the gay marriage topic:
rossmum wrote:Agreed, I'm a Christian but I don't let it take over my life. It's just nice to think there is a God out there, and to follow some of the principles. Good, that's the problem with most religous people, it controls them.
rossmum wrote:
Warbandit, do us all a favour and **** THINK about things. Seriously, your views are so incredibly warped that sometimes I really feel like finding out where you live, just so I can come slap you across the face for posting such utter CRAP. Use that thing called a brain and stop trying to be cool by saying everything is a conspiracy by Liberals, the UN or gays.
Actually, my thoughts are off politics most of the time and I don't care what you think, I'm not trying to be cool, and for your information, where I live is none of your **** buissness El Spammo Loco.
rossmum wrote:
Now that's over with, I find your view that they are "polluting the country" with their "illness" extremely disturbing. I mean, to begin with I don't see them doing any harm. I don't see other people "catching" homosexuality. They aren't **** hurting anyone,
Acutally they are, they hurt our laws, and they hurt the kids sexuality.
rossmum wrote:
so quit with the "doing weird things to straight people" bullshit. WHAT. THE ****. ARE YOU SMOKING. Why would they interfere with us, they couldn't really care less. What, you think that all the **** people are going to overthrow the **** government and dominate the world? Actually, I wouldn't put that past you, you'd believe anything if it sounds ridiculous enough. Besides that, you're sounding more and more like some weird skinhead/neo-Nazi dude, with your irrational hate of anything different to you. Quit with the moronic posts, PLEASE.
Warbandit mk 3 wrote:I'm not smoking anything, I'm the anti smoker, I hate neo-Nazis, and my posts are not moronic. Sounds like you SIR, need some stress therapy. I find them disturbing and they think they have the right to mess up my country's laws. Now stop with your Anti-American bullshit. Evil or Very Mad
rossmum wrote:First of all. You are likely to be considered more of a spammer than me, so I don't see how one line off topic makes me a spamming machine.
Second. You sound like you have NO morals whatsoever, that'll do me. Specifics like what kind of immoral person you are don't matter, you just are.
Third, I don't have a problem with America, I have a problem with people like YOU who give it a bad name.
[EDIT] I just saw the poll and flicked back through the pages of this topic. I'm appalled at the number of homophobes and extremists on this site, who seem totally intolerant of anything different to them. Let me set a few things straight.
[randomsouthernaccent]I'm only going to say this once, so y'all better **** LISTEN, y'hear? [/randomsouthernaccent]
There is NO **** WAY gays are hurting the country, the economy, or kids. Their preferences have no impact on kids, because you're born with your sexual orientation and can't just change it. If the kids are straight, they'll stay straight. If they're ****, they'll stay ****. Same as with a straight couple's family. They don't "pollute the country", extremists (in ANY religion, INCLUDING Christianity) and homophobes do. You're the ones who should be packed off somewhere else, you give your country a bad name. If you have a problem with homosexuals, TOUGH ****. THEY'RE NOT GOING TO CHANGE JUST TO PLEASE A COUPLE OF MESSED UP KIDS WHO WOULDN'T KNOW A MORAL IF IT HIT THEM IN THE FACE. You don't know everything there is to know, your facts are either totally wrong or absent altogether, and I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of you are only 12-14, which explains the abhorrent lack of maturity and acceptance of anything different. You don't like it? Lock yourself inside your house and DON'T COME OUT. The world will be a better place without you.
Just because you think something is wrong, it doesn't mean it is, or that everyone else has to think that. If you can't keep your revolting views to yourself, I think I speak for the vast majority of mature, responsible, tolerant members here when I say, YOU CAN LEAVE. If you want to stay here, find some maturity, lose the "what-I-say-is-always-right" attitudes that shame everyone associated with you, and learn some **** tolerance.
As you can see, a political debate every week would always end in a flamefest.
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:16 am
by Kurroda
i cant stand politcal crap thats what the news is for not halomods.
Oh and cuda i remember you saying somthing like this If you want to talk politcal crap goto politcal forum
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:09 am
by Cuda
No, I said that about your little HIM topic.
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:51 am
by Kurroda
and how is this any different we cant talk about what we want why should get to?
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:17 am
by Cuda
I never said that you cant talk about what you want, you can talk about whatever you want, as long as it follows the rules. The only reason why I suggested this is to stem the flow of the Political topics, and focus on one, one at a time.
Re: [Suggestion]Political Debate Of the Week(PDOTW)
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:19 am
by Warbandit mk 3
Oh god, it's all my fault. Okay, I think we should agree to stop debating politics, since this is a modding site. Politics and modding don't mix.
Re: [Suggestion]Political Debate Of the Week(PDOTW)
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:55 am
by JK-47
Warbandit mk 3 wrote: Politics and modding don't mix.
Unless you make a politician mod
Politics are bad enough when i hear about them all the time in real life, but just no, im so freaking sick of politics i just wanna...GRRR! A topic here and there would be fine with me, like one or two every month like it was before. But not one every day or every week, its getting sooooo rediculously annoying. Even if the Cafe is for free discussion i dont think it was intended to be 50% open for political debate like it is now.
If you want to debate politics go to and go to the debate forum and post your political topic there, they love talking politics.....
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:08 pm
by VoYdE
Royal wrote:sounds like a spam fest to me.
indeed and trust me royal know what a spamfest is....
(jk)this is really small
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:37 pm
by Kurroda
i don't spam i somtimes go offtopic.
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:16 pm
by Cuda
Royal wrote: i don't spam i somtimes go offtopic.
Then add to the spamfest that consiquently follows....