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[Suggestion] A Modding Triatholon

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:23 pm
by plaguedsoul
A Modding Triatholon

alright, this is my suggestiong, we allow the people of halomods to deside which modders should be allowed to participate in this event.
What they would have to do:

Judges: there will be 10 judges to judge the mods, mainly mods, admins etc.

Modding specifics: All the modders will mod one level, and the mods are going to be themed for each group. and the three specifics things the judges will eb judging on will be announced when the event stars to prevent re-made mods.

Game: ALL HALOS(Halo xbox, HCE, H2, etc)

People/Persons:Everyone can participate in this, you dont need to be nominated or anything. but the team rules still apply, only a FOUR person team.

RIPPED CONTENT: for the ripped content part, i really wanna allow this, but no. try injecting something made by you, but other stuff like takeing the containment gate and putting it into another map, i wouldnt call that ripping.

Multiplayer: The mod doesnt HAVE to be multiplayer compadable, but i suggest it should be, but its your choice.

Side notes: Go crazy, make something different, if it hasent been used in a mod, use it. if you have a new awsome effect, put it in. truly people, i don't, DON'T, DO NOT wanna see five minute mods, put some effort and personality into your mods.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:25 pm
by Chromega
Sounds cool, anyone else think of something to change/add?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:29 pm
by shadowkhas
Wait, so this is Halo 2 only?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:30 pm
by plaguedsoul
truly i think it doesnt matter, it could be for anything. hopfully halo related lol

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:34 pm
by Zigen

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:34 pm
by looknbarrel
3 mods in one weel isnt enough time if models are gonna be used because you cant rip content and it isnt gonna be good if you make a 2 second model

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:35 pm
by NoiseTank
I still dont have my files back on my pc
aww man

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:37 pm
by Zigen
looknbarrel wrote:3 mods in one weel isnt enough time if models are gonna be used because you cant rip content and it isnt gonna be good if you make a 2 second model
rules here says you cant rip from halo2 though?
so you can rip from the other halos?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:29 pm
Is this going to be another halo 2 only thing like MOTM, or all halo formats in seperate categories?

Teams or individuals?

And I dont quite understand the bit about how people enter, you have to be nominated by someone else, is that it?

Three in a week - Iron man modding competition :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:58 pm
by plaguedsoul
DECOY wrote:Is this going to be another halo 2 only thing like MOTM, or all halo formats in seperate categories?

Teams or individuals?

And I dont quite understand the bit about how people enter, you have to be nominated by someone else, is that it?

Three in a week - Iron man modding competition :lol:
well, teams do seem like a good idea so i guess people can have a FOUR PERSON TEAM!

and the nomination thing, thats what willost liekly happen

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:04 pm
by Zigen
hmm teams yes good idea

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:12 pm
by plaguedsoul
I still dont have my files back on my pc
aww man
noise, im not saying this will bee soon, we first have to get all the people who are gonna be in this event.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:14 pm
by Tom
most people are in school now... it would prolly be a good idea to wait to a break

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:46 pm
by Iron_Forge
Your team restrictions would never work...There's no way you could enforce a four person limit...

Second, there's no way you could enforce a one week limit...People could have great mod ideas on their minds, or even work on them for a month before you even announced the contest start, and then use that stuff for the mod...

Though, I don't think you'd ever get 4+ people working on a mod at a time...Especially one over the period of the week...And if you did have more, I'm not sure what an advantage it would be...

As for the time limit, there would need to be an obvious theme or something along those lines to prevent "early workings" on the project to at least some degree...Perhaps specifying the map aswell as a theme...But no matter what, there will always be ideas and such that could be done before hand...

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:43 pm
by ScottyGEE
i like...but heres my modifications...
people are nominated...if the modder agrees then they have 2/3 weeks to create a mod on either:
A specific theme
A specific map.

eg: ScottyGEE Iron_forge and doorm4n have to 3 weeks to give the new induction map a new look and feel
eg2: TSF soy_bomb and Grenadiac have 2 weeks to make a mod themed as: COVENANT...

every time the triathlon is held all contestants MUST send at least $45 (US) to me via direct bank deposit :) hehehe please?

i believe doing 3 mods (mr murder's mod making took 2 weeks for one) at all is just stupid to me, im lazy and barely get enugh time as it is to do any form of i say one mod or max 2...but who evben says im gonna be nominated? im gnna nominate Grenadiac CLuis iron Forge TSF, xbox7887 pke cancer one team! i would seriously enjoy doing that actually. even if id be humiliated ;)


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:52 am
by Zigen
ScottyGEE wrote:i like...but heres my modifications...
people are nominated...if the modder agrees then they have 2/3 weeks to create a mod on either:
A specific theme
A specific map.

eg: ScottyGEE Iron_forge and doorm4n have to 3 weeks to give the new induction map a new look and feel
eg2: TSF soy_bomb and Grenadiac have 2 weeks to make a mod themed as: COVENANT...

every time the triathlon is held all contestants MUST send at least $45 (US) to me via direct bank deposit :) hehehe please?

i believe doing 3 mods (mr murder's mod making took 2 weeks for one) at all is just stupid to me, im lazy and barely get enugh time as it is to do any form of i say one mod or max 2...but who evben says im gonna be nominated? im gnna nominate Grenadiac CLuis iron Forge TSF, xbox7887 pke cancer one team! i would seriously enjoy doing that actually. even if id be humiliated ;)

lol id like to see grendiac against you. :P

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:10 am
by ScottyGEE
i would seriously do a mod against him if people wanted me to :)
besides i might actually make a really good mod trying to utdo myself *runs and programs himself Proamuthius (my new spark edit map editor) ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:18 am
by NoiseTank
i am going to make a squirtmon that will pwn all and get in outstanding mods and it would be on wizard
maby you could do a theme like that

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:02 am
Iron_Forge wrote:Your team restrictions would never work...There's no way you could enforce a four person limit...

Second, there's no way you could enforce a one week limit...People could have great mod ideas on their minds, or even work on them for a month before you even announced the contest start, and then use that stuff for the mod...

Though, I don't think you'd ever get 4+ people working on a mod at a time...Especially one over the period of the week...And if you did have more, I'm not sure what an advantage it would be...

As for the time limit, there would need to be an obvious theme or something along those lines to prevent "early workings" on the project to at least some degree...Perhaps specifying the map aswell as a theme...But no matter what, there will always be ideas and such that could be done before hand...
Thats a good point, I must have 8 -10 mods I have not previously released, but they're all HPC, and I have a feeling if this go's ahead it'll be H2 only.. .. :cry:

No fair, DECOY wants to play too.....

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:32 am
by plaguedsoul
i never said halo 2 only, and please no premade mods. i wanna get the whole halo community into this. and whats a TRIatholon without 3 events, its has to be a challenge.