same post in different forum section

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same post in different forum section

Post by Elite_Green_Devils »

HaloMods user " hihi88 " accidentally posted a halo CE map (very well made first CE map) in the halo PC downloads section. i am not trying to get him/her banned, just merely have the topic moved to the right forum section. Thank you HaloMods Staff! oh, and no this in not a bot speaking, i just happened to take my medication this morning. lol. EDIT: the name of the post is " Large " EDIT#2: there is also the same post in the halo CE downloads section
Pepsi wrote:when converting CE>PC, HEK is like a catholic girl which needs alot of coaxing to get there, but harbinger is like a hot red head always willing to go
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Post by Tural »

Fixed. Thanks for the heads-up. :)