I got banned on the file forum. Why?

Is somebody flaming or causing problems? Is there a post that is too large for content? Moderators will check here often to discover problems quickly.
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I got banned on the file forum. Why?

Post by MilyardoX2 »

For some reason I got banned on the file forum and I have done nothing wrong, I haven't even been on the site in a while. I do not understand why I am banned and there is no reason for me to be banned. Could I be unbanned or told why I was banned.
My name is MilyardoX2 on the file forum.
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Post by Cuda »

Waverunner wrote:Welcome to Complaints and Suggestions!

-Were you banned on the files forums?-

Don't panic, and don't post here! If you were banned from the files forums, it was for a reason and you will be unbanned whenever we tell you it will happen. If you would like to request being unbanned because you feel it was unfair, PM one of the Administrators or Junior Administrators above. If they are unable to help you, they will find someone who can.

I suggest going onto IRC and asking for assistance, rather than PMing them.