The human race and elites have called for one last battle the fight to end all fights..... The brutes (being as they are) accept... they are to meet at 2 plateaus that leads down into the plains...(this is in Africa by the way). When they meet all the covenant and humans on one side (Along with vehicles, the rest of the Spartans from the spartan projectand maybe a scarab or two that the elites have jacked) and the Brutes,grunts, and all the rest of the races on the other side (along with vehicles and scarabs).. there is a stand off...(just enough for a chief to give a moral speech) then both sides race towards each other with scarabs firing at each other and at infantry.... this goes on for a good while...then the flood show up at the top of both plateaus and the fighting comes to a stop for just a brief second.... the flood rush down into the battle and start claiming the fallen and living to become apart of the flood race.... eventually its just a group of spartans left (john being one of them). the grave mind recreates himself on earth...shows up at the battle and comands all the flood to stop attacking.... goes to the small group of spartans left...and starts to talk and rant about how there is no body left on earth....even the few that have survived will become a part of the making one last stand john and all the other spartans fight grave mind..........for the final cut scene grave mind grabs the remaining spartans (a couple have died in the fight...) and tells them that the earth is no more littered with pestilence and now that he has devoured this planet....he is going to move to every planet and destroy all the life..then move on to the next one and then next one..until all life ceases to exist. john and the other spartans agree that they have to put an end to this right now... they all pull off there back packs, arm them,(they are nuclear powered or something) and throw them into the ground (going about 3 feet down). chief and cortana have there last good bye sequence and talk as chief sais good bye he takes off his helmet, places it on the ground, (you only see the the back of his head, or shoulders or something like that) he turns around faces the sky,you see his face...for a split second and then the screen fades to white.....thus ending the john story....and the halo series...

k well tell me how you think it should have ended...