NOTICE: If any entry was forgotten in getting added please send me a pm and point out what page you had your entry on and in what post please. Thank you.
2 Maps Entry limit per person. You can attach a game variant which will be with that map.
Free 24 hour live card:
Just for kicks and cause I don't care whoever gets this first gets it. Its a 24 hour period code. Go to redeem code. Here are the numbers folks.
M9FG9-8CPVM-KK4987DD84-92X83 You might need these other numbers too so here they are: 812274929
I will add to this as I go but I think we should have a forge map making contest to see who can make the most awesomeness maps ever with this cool tool we have been given. Also its freaking sweet how we can edit forge games.
The time period for the contest has been changed to 2 weeks as there is now a prize offered. I will run this contest for a while. There must be at least 4 entries made. Of course I cant win so my entries don't count. They are just an example.
ENTRY DATE: Please get your entry in by October 27. I will post them that day. Pm me to make sure your item gets posted. Please post in the exact format I have posted. You can post in the comments I might see it. I will try my best.
WIN RESULTS: These will be posted November 9th, after the entries are made. Please vote for the maps. Once again the only sure fire way to get your vote seen is to pm me the vote. If you say"I VOTE FOR : map name" I will consider that your vote. That will be the format. Either in your comments you post or a pm you send me. Thank you for following the rules and making it fair for everyone. It will be interesting now that there is a prize. hehehe. I think I will make a Christmas prize that is bigger. Watch for it.
Please refer to the Forge links below for help
Forge Basics
Forge Object Editing
Forge Advanced
NOTE: Please don't say you built a map if you downloaded someones map and added a gun or two. That would just be dumb now wouldn't it. Be original. If you did a majority of the work then please write who Co-Authored it. Or at least say you Co-Authored it if you think the other person or persons don't want you to use their gamer tag, or possibly you just forgot who you made the map with.
NOTE: Don't make dumb maps because you wont win that way, waste space, get flamed.
Please list the following about the forged map:
author: live tag here <---*Make the live tag/author area a link to your profile so we can actualy get your map. Refer to examples please.*
1) Your Map Name
2) Map forged on
3) Game Types edited
4) Game type Specific? If so which game type
5) Hours it took to make (just guess cause sometimes you fall asleep making these)
6) Links to Pictures in your profile on
Links to Fly through Video of your map in your profile on
EXTRAS: Add a background to your map like back story telling a story or something for the map This is only if you want to.
Maps For Voting For
Bunker <-------*EXAMPLE*
author: xptoast
1) Bunker (Slot 1)
2) The Pit
3) Ctf(one flag, multi flag, neutral flag) Assault (one bomb, multi bomb)
4) One Flag (designed for it) and Assault (second designated purpose)
5) 2 days+
6) One Flag (Slot 4)
Teleporter-Chir <-------*EXAMPLE*
author: xptoast
1) Teleporter-Chir (Slot 7)
2) The Pit
3) Slayer and Team Slayer Only as nothing else has been fixed for this. Maybe get to it sometime.
4) Same as number 3
5) 2 days+?
6) Slayer (Slot 10)
Umbrella Corp.
author: Detox
FILESHARE For This entry
1) Umbrella Corp. (Slot 6)
2) Highground
3) Infection (Download Resident Evil) SLOT 5 on fileshare
4) Infection (Download Resident Evil) game variant download
5) 3h 30m Straight
6) Flythrough -
6) Gameplay -
Jungle Twilight
Author: [XiL Destruction]
1) Jungle Twilight
2) Guardian
3) No edited gametypes
4) Slayer.
5) ~4hrs. 2 hrs perfected the sniper part.
6) No Pictures. Sorry!
author: anunleashedgoat
1) Marathon
2) Sandtrap
3) all
4) ctf, mosh koth,
5) bout a day
6) ... eashedgoat
same link as above
(More pictures in post on page 2)
Second Story
author: SlyValkyr
1) Second Story
2) The Pit
3) Territories
4) Can play any game but was made for Territories. Slight changes were made to other gametypes.
5) 3h-4h
6) Pictures
The Pit Redux V3.0
author: GenChurch
1) The Pit Redux V3.0
2) The Pit
3) all
4) Slayer (3v3 4v4), Oddball, Zombies, KOTH, Swords
5) 2 weeks total of about 97 hours a few hours a day
New Room
Secret room 1 of 2
After the Covenant Snipers reached Earth, the UNSC re-vamped The Pit to better train the sniper squads against the new threat.
Stronghold(Last Stand UPDATE)
author: Traphik64, Its Me Brandon, ll LeF7y ll
1) Stronghold
2) Last Resort
3) Infection
4) Last Stand
5) 8 days
6) Pictures
Changelog / 10-23-07
- Added a description to both the map and game variant.
- Swapped the map name and game variant name
- Fixed minor forge re-spawn glitches
- Added a watch tower and gravity lift
- Fixed pink spartans?
- Fixed 0% alpha zombie damage modifier.
- Removed starting grenades
author: Traphik64
1) Water Court (Slot 5)
2) Last Resort
3) Slayer
4) Dodgeball (Slot 6)
5) 2 days
Modern Warfare
author: Blade0529
1) Modern Warfare
2) Last Resort
3) Yes
4) All of them
5) 6 hours
6)Pictures The ones that are named screenshot followed by a number.
7)Video fly through
The Rouge
1: The Rouge
2: "The Pit" as Basemap
3: Oddball, KotH
4: Best for Slayer, although you can play on Oddball and KotH as well now. Play on FFA.
5: Took about 5-10 Hours.
6: Below. Better, but temporary pics on fileshare.
Panic Room
author: X Zodia 04
1) Panic Room
2) Construct
3) All
4) N/A
5) 4-6 hours
6) Didn't upload for some reason...but it's so small pics really aren't needed
If anyone has something to add or retract from these set rules and or ideas please leave a post and I will see what I can do. Please only make a suggestion once. If I dont use it dont bug me about my decision or your entry will be removed.
NOTE: Only one person will get the prize so make sure the authors decide who gets it.