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(MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS) Halo 3 Dissapointments?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:37 pm
by killarzachary
Has anyone ran into anything that they feel is a disappointment in the game I thought it was really good.

- Only receive sniper kill with a head shot
- Difficulty lack of permutations for elites
- Weapons sound weak
- Energy sword FP animations
- More elites in campaign by your side
- The campaign is too short
- The campaign is too easy
- BR isn't like halo
- Motion is not smooth
- Bad physics
- Walking speed is slower
- To many weapons, vehicles, grenades, and equipment
- Not much reflection
-Saved films don't have reverse option, only skip
-Lack of Elite permutations

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:44 pm
by GametagAeonFlux
The weapons sound kinda...weak when you fire them. I use surround sound, and the Assault Rifle sounds like someone clipped a baseball card to a bicycle's wheel and spun it. When you hear someone else firing it, it's much louder for some reason. :|

Also, Energy Sword's FP animation...what the hell were they thinking?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:50 pm
by ScottyGEE
The AR firing is actually a disspointmet for me..I have my full speaker setup booming with explosions, deep voices, vehicles revving, brutes yelling...

And all Ive got is the a gun sound that has less base then a 10 year old's voice...No punch, no BAM, no satisfying feeling from it.

One other disappointment that I've noticed is the elites...Maybe I'm too early in the campaign to see them (the 6th level......) but did the human race really whipe out all but 3 elites (and thats only if your playing 4 player co-op)...
I wanted more elites by my side! Not marines that run me over. :( I guess I'll find out later if there are more...don't tell me though

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:50 pm
by killarzachary
GametagAeonFlux wrote:The weapons sound kinda...weak when you fire them. I use surround sound, and the Assault Rifle sounds like someone clipped a baseball card to a bicycle's wheel and spun it. When you hear someone else firing it, it's much louder for some reason. :|

Also, Energy Sword's FP animation...what the hell were they thinking?
Alright thanks, I updated the main post, and I agree with the weapons and the sword.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:51 pm
by V0Lt4Ge
ScottyGEE wrote:One other disappointment that I've noticed is the elites...Maybe I'm too early in the campaign to see them (the 6th level......) but did the human race really whipe out all but 3 elites (and thats only if your playing 4 player co-op)...
I wanted more elites by my side! Not marines that run me over. :(
Yeah, same.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:51 pm
by killarzachary
ScottyGEE wrote:The AR firing is actually a disspointmet for me..I have my full speaker setup booming with explosions, deep voices, vehicles revving, brutes yelling...

And all Ive got is the a gun sound that has less base then a 10 year old's voice...No punch, no BAM, no satisfying feeling from it.

One other disappointment that I've noticed is the elites...Maybe I'm too early in the campaign to see them (the 6th level......) but did the human race really whipe out all but 3 elites (and thats only if your playing 4 player co-op)...
I wanted more elites by my side! Not marines that run me over. :( I guess I'll find out later if there are more...don't tell me though
Theirs only a few more very disappointing if you ask me.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:53 pm
by Dead XXX Matt
tha AR is fine if your not a picky priss. i give the game 10/10 outta game play. so what if the animations for the sword arent perfect. the games still amazing.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:55 pm
by GametagAeonFlux
ScottyGEE wrote:One other disappointment that I've noticed is the elites...Maybe I'm too early in the campaign to see them (the 6th level......) but did the human race really wipe out all but 3 elites
There's a lot more Elites...the Spec Ops commander and a small force are seen throughout the game. The best reason I have for the small number of Elites is that most were either killed:

A) Space fights with Brutes.
B) Flood infecting High Charity.
C) Maybe some were captured/executed?

I dunno.

As for Matt, yes...the game is definitely fantastic, and I absolutely loved campaign. They're just small gripes...I don't really think they're "disappointments" per say, just some things I didn't like. Regardless of how awesome a game is, it's never going to be perfect...but in my opinion, Halo 3 is pretty damn close.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:56 pm
by killarzachary
Dead XXX Matt wrote:tha AR is fine if your not a picky priss. i give the game 10/10 outta game play. so what if the animations for the sword aren't perfect. the games still amazing.
Please stay on topic. Their is no need for controversy on this. Everybody has their own opinions. And when it comes down the determining the best game in the world, minor details make a big difference.

I've actually ran into a few places without BSP collision, though I should point that out.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:56 pm
by ScottyGEE
Yeah I'm pretty sure most of us think the game is amazing, I'm allowed to be dissapointed by the AR sound...I wanted more of a bassy, satisfying feel...
Halo 1's AR sound, whilst also kinda weak, had that response (or did I mod it that way :?)

so its just something I would have liked rather than a small pop....

I am also quite picky with things :P

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:21 pm
by DrXThirst
-The BR isn't like halo 2. (Sounds, AA, FP, Everything)
-The movement is more like GoW (horrible). It's not smooth like Halo 2's. In H2, you could run, jump, crouch and fire and it would be extremely smooth motions. Now, in Halo 3, it's like you're big and bulky and can't jump.
-The campaign is too short
-The campaign is too easy
-The ending is awkward. I don't know whether to expect another halo game or not. I know Bungie has said Halo 4 is not in progress, however I also know that they said they were only done with the ark side of the game, not the rest.
-Bungie went way over with the weapons, vehicles, equipment, everything. Theres so much stuff. It's not even like halo anymore.
-Online co-op fails. It's not smooth like GoW. Theres so much game lag. The connection is fine ... it's just like the code doesn't work right and they can't get the AI to sync. Once, my warthog was going frame by frame. I know if GoW can do it, Bungie can do it.

And, those are my only complaints for now. Only a few of those are majors (Especially the last one).

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:28 pm
by Modtrocity
I was so hardcore into Halo 2, that Halo 3 seems soooo different.

I don't like the weapon sounds.
I don't like the physics.
The BR was complete ownage in H2, but is now worthless.
I don't like how the sniping works, it's so much harder than it used to be.
Campaign put me to sleep.
Power of Hammer to strong.
Walking speed is slower.
Lack of old ranked gametypes.

I just don't like the overall feel of it. To me, it just doesn't feel like Halo anymore.

I'm going to stick with 2 as long as I can.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:32 pm
by ScottyGEE
Yeah I think the hardcore side will probably feel that way, I remember the same thing with halo 1-2..."halo 2 sucks, the physics suck and dual wielding sucks, there's no good pistol! You suck"

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:38 pm
by Dr.Cox
DrXThirst wrote:-The BR isn't like halo 2. (Sounds, AA, FP, Everything)
-The movement is more like GoW (horrible). It's not smooth like Halo 2's. In H2, you could run, jump, crouch and fire and it would be extremely smooth motions. Now, in Halo 3, it's like you're big and bulky and can't jump.
-The campaign is too short
-The campaign is too easy
-The ending is awkward. I don't know whether to expect another halo game or not. I know Bungie has said Halo 4 is not in progress, however I also know that they said they were only done with the ark side of the game, not the rest.
-Bungie went way over with the weapons, vehicles, equipment, everything. Theres so much stuff. It's not even like halo anymore.
-Online co-op fails. It's not smooth like GoW. Theres so much game lag. The connection is fine ... it's just like the code doesn't work right and they can't get the AI to sync. Once, my warthog was going frame by frame. I know if GoW can do it, Bungie can do it.

And, those are my only complaints for now. Only a few of those are majors (Especially the last one).
20 Buck says They will release updates to fix a lot of things.

I don't like the horn for the mongoose. Is that not the most pathetic thing you have ever heard?

And I don't like all these new flood peoples.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:39 pm
by GametagAeonFlux

What exactly about the physics do you not like?

The Battle Rifle was "ownage" in Halo 2 because every other gun (excluding Sniper/Beam Rifle and Rocket Launcher) was crap. Also, they took out the glitches it had (BXR, RRX, I'm looking at you) that why everyone's complaining about it?

Sniping should be hard...ever tried aiming at someone while they're running at an angle and you--hold on, someone's at the door.

What part about campaign put you to sleep? The fight against the Scarab while riding around on an ATV? Burning down herds of Flood with a Flamethrower?

The Gravity Hammer is balanced. Yeah, it has a one hit kill melee...but wait...didn't the Energy Sword have that in Halo 2, plus a really long lunge range? And isn't there an Energy Sword in Halo 3? There is. The explosion radius on the Gravity Hammer is sized in a decent manner, and isn't going to be some sort of end-all-beat-all weapon on small/enclosed maps. Not to mention you can't just pull it out and kill someone like the Energy Sword from Halo 2. There's a relatively long period of time before you can actually use it.

Walking speed doesn't really seem much different to may just be that the levels are larger though.


Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:41 pm
by Dead XXX Matt
OH my god know what i do love is that elephant in the sand level. that is the best thing ive ever drivin. i mean its a base on wheels. you cant get much better then a fucking BASE on wheels, as a drivable vehicle. i mean.. its slow as hell, and they could make it a LITTLE faster then a crippled snail, but i still think its badass. you dont even need passenger seats, its a BASE!!!! that got a 10/10, vehicle wise, from me.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:44 pm
by Modtrocity
ScottyGEE wrote:Yeah I think the hardcore side will probably feel that way, I remember the same thing with halo 1-2..."halo 2 sucks, the physics suck and dual wielding sucks, there's no good pistol! You suck"
I'd take Halo 1 physics over 3's anyday. I'll just have to get used to it eventually.

I just wish they'd use the old physics. Keep the weapon sound and all the other crap and give us the physics back! :S

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:35 pm
by Kirk
ScottyGEE wrote:Yeah I think the hardcore side will probably feel that way, I remember the same thing with halo 1-2..."halo 2 sucks, the physics suck and dual wielding sucks, there's no good pistol! You suck"
That still applies :P

To me, Halo 3 is what Halo 2 should have been. Halo 2 never appealed to me.

And for everything else, I agree with GTAF.
So the energy sword isn't like an instant thing now? (switch weapons and you can lunge before it's fully pulled out) I never even figured out until I played it on the PC.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:38 pm
by GametagAeonFlux
Kirk wrote:So the energy sword isn't like an instant thing now? (switch weapons and you can lunge before it's fully pulled out) I never even figured out until I played it on the PC.
I didn't use the Energy Sword that much, but the Gravity Hammer is definitely not instant. I can't say 100%, but I think the Energy Sword is instant, or very close to it. Either way, it seems like there's a tiny bit more of a delay between successful slashes now too.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:39 pm
by V0Lt4Ge
Dr.Cox wrote:I don't like the horn for the mongoose. Is that not the most pathetic thing you have ever heard?
I think it's fucking hilarious, actually. =P