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XMA format sounds

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:48 am
by HaLo2FrEeEk
Has no one found a solution for this problem? I suppose t's not really a problem but with all the extraction and conversion programs out there I was sure someone would have made a program to convert XMA format audio into a PC-readable format by now. I'm just looking at some of my arcade games and while some have wma format sounds, others hav xma format's weird. Is there any way at all to play xma sounds on a PC. I don't care if the compression rate is so high that each sound takes up hundreds of megs on my harddrive, I have 4 is not an issue.

Re: XMA format sounds

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:48 pm
by HaLo2FrEeEk