October 10, 2007
What this program does
This program will encode a message into 1s and 0s (not binary). It will then include a password you specify into the code. This resulting code will then be re-arranged based on a 3 digit number you also specify.
The resulting code will not be decoded unless the decoder specifies the exact password (non-case sensitive) and 3 digit number.
The password and 3 digit number combinations are infinite
This program can be used to share any small piece of information with anyone who has this program. The information can pertain to Halo or anything else.
- This program will only work for an NT based operating system (NT, 2000, XP, Vista).
- Internet access is required (can't say why to keep integrity and security of the message) but YOUR COMPUTER IS SAFE.
You need to keep track of the password and 3 digit number you want to use with what people. Share this information with as many people as you like. Only they will be able to decipher your code.
Extra Features
- Close this program and it will minimize to the toolbar. You can then exit out of it by right clicking the icon and pressing exit.
- Store passwords and 3 digit numbers (mentioned in the above section) and be able to load them back when needed, without having to memorize anything.
- When the program starts, automatically re-input your previous password and 3 digit number that you had last time the program was running.
- Save the messages you decode to easily find old messages.

Download Link ------> Here