PP glitch "plasma stream"
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:47 pm
ok so today i decided too play around in HCE. i was useing the command console and used the commands "debug_camera_save" then "debug_camera_load" this put me in 3rd person. in third person i was just messing around and watching chief do weird animations EX:jumping and crouching and then spining around looks realy weird in 3rd person. then i started shooting the PP and i found this glitch.
all i did was i charged and shot the PP 3 or 4 times really fast then on like the 5 time i cliked too charge it and it locked into trigger one i guess and shot a continous stream of the little bolts. i held it down and just before the battery for the PP died i got this screeenshot>>>
i know the map i did this in is a custom map but so far i have not found any changes too the PP. i looked at the map in HMT and saw no difference from this PP in bloodgulch and the PP in the CE map.
i havent been able too replicate this glitch yet. if i get it too happen again ill post.
all i did was i charged and shot the PP 3 or 4 times really fast then on like the 5 time i cliked too charge it and it locked into trigger one i guess and shot a continous stream of the little bolts. i held it down and just before the battery for the PP died i got this screeenshot>>>
i know the map i did this in is a custom map but so far i have not found any changes too the PP. i looked at the map in HMT and saw no difference from this PP in bloodgulch and the PP in the CE map.
i havent been able too replicate this glitch yet. if i get it too happen again ill post.