Secret room in Halo CE Map

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Secret room in Halo CE Map

Post by Canc3r »

just go to side winder, and got to any teleporter. go into the teleporter and find another one, go through it also, repeat for a long time and after a while you'll end up in a room that says "sneak" right in front of you on the ground. leave the room and the map looks just like side winder but totally different. all the rooms are different, and theres no frozen lake in the middle of the map. in one of the 2 bases theres a flamethrower and when you shoot it, it creates a forever lasting fire that if you walk into, you automatically die, and respawn in sidewinder and must restart the whole process. Theres also a quad bike like thing that has a turret on the back, kinda like a warthog, but only 1 seat. all the weapons in the snaek map cannot be found in any other map to my knowledge. THIS IS NOT A MOD, just a straight up glitch. It took me 45 minutes to get to the sneak level through the process I just explained.

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Post by DakuNuva »

WTF are you talking 'bout? Are you sure this is in sidewinder? Ive heard about this, but not this.... I dunno what Im saying.
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Post by Xiion »

its on a sidewinder custom modded map for halo ce by lightning. he put it in there for ppl to see.
Xiion GFX|Store|D-G|Moola|LAWLZ
Xiion: Pronounced as Ecks-See-Ohn.

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Post by DakuNuva »

See...I thought so.
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