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Easy way to get the Thunderstorm skull

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:46 am
by Warbandit Mk II
This is easy, follow the instrctions to get the Thunderstorm skull.

Step 1: Load Delta Halo (the level) on legendary. Get the envy skull.
Then Load Cairo Station (on Legendary) , play to the nearest checkpoint, before it saves activate your active camoflauge (power from the envy skull), revert to saved to see if you have it on. Turn off your Xbox, then turn it on (to remove the power of the skull). You now have infinte active camo on Cairo Station.

Step 2: Play to the room after the armory (NOT AT THE BEGGNING!!), jump on the light, crouch jump on the rail, walk up the beam, bash the trash can to get the Thunder Storm skull. This skull makes almost all characters at there highest rank.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:35 pm
by halo2poo
thats gay. too bad u cant get revenge on me becuze u will never see me again.