I've seen them in videos, but I can't do them. I'm talking about the trick where the guy rides a warthog and jumps out, causing him to jump really high and really far. Does anyone know how exactly this is done?
yeah i know how to do those moon jump thingies
Its very hard though and u have to get the right angles and stuff.
So far iv only tried it on blood gulch
if ur talkin about h1 then its then u get out next to a hill. on h2 u get an energy sword sit in the passenger make ur enemy walk up to u do lunge attack the target goes far away then the guy in the hog holds x and walla
yeah i know
but its easy to tell that almost every1 but u and me dont know how to do this in this topic
last time i accidentlydid it too high and then went over the base or into the teleporter lol
u can also bang ur hog into the base sideways and it can post u up onto the base
yes i know how its easy get inside the passanger seat of a warthog with a sword and have a guy get next to you [and enemy] and once the reticule turns red press the trigger button once you hear the sword noise have the other person go to the other side of map when he is ready aim were you want to go then get out of warthog