PHPwnage CMS

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PHPwnage CMS

Post by FleetAdmiralBacon »


Introducing PHPwnage!
PHPwnage is a customizable news site that uses PHP and MySQL. PHPwnage features news articles, custom blocks, user pages, and RSS. It is fully customizable and easy to use. PHPwnage is only 76kb (not including themes, which are around 88kb each) and takes only seconds to set up. If you need a simple, yet expandable solution for your website, PHPwnage is perfect for you!

+ MySQL 2.0 or later
+ PHP 4.0 or later
+ 200kb of file space

+ From
(Current version is 1.1)
Last edited by FleetAdmiralBacon on Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Th2mods »

gona try this now

EDIT: got it to work, but could you post a tutorial on how to navigate it? all you include is how to go to the admin CP

EDIT again: i see its still beta, but is well done. I cant wait for the new written SQL script for the new one
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Post by FleetAdmiralBacon »

Yeah, I'll get a tutorial up tomorrow.
Here's a simple tutorial, I'll have something better for you tomorrow:

1. Your main page, though it appears blank at first, displays your all your news articles (that'll be limited in the next version) and a side bar with blocks (you have none to start with, also going to be changed in 1.2, I'll add a default navigation block)
2. custompages.php - this file shows all the custom pages on your site, you don't start with any but they can be added from the admin panel.
3. pages.php?page={page} - this file shows a specific custom page
4. pages.php?page={page}&pw={page password} - allows users to edit their page (in 1.2, the admin password will allow access to editing tools)
5. article.php?id={article number} - used for a viewing a single news article
6. admin.php?pw={password} - administration panel, you can add new articles here.
7. article.php?id={article number}&pw={password} - used to edit a news article
8. rss.php - used to view the RSS feed of your site's news

Edit: I just uploaded version 1.2, which fixes a lot of things and looks a ton better. To see a sample, go here
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Post by DJ_Gnomey »

hmm. Can't wait for the 1.2 version. I hold out till then :)
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