ai overdone, its in bloodgulch, and i dled it, and i thought is sucked big time, the ai was dont have pics, you dont have a prefix...basicaly, every thing about it sux 1/10 cause you had the guts to post crap on this forum....good job.
those maps would suck for ai...well not wizard...but yeah. If you want over the break ill make one...with leet ai and it will be like BOOM SCHEOOWW BLA BLA BLA "OOHHH SHIT" - Marine...
Andrew_b wrote:those maps would suck for ai...well not wizard...but yeah. If you want over the break ill make one...with leet ai and it will be like BOOM SCHEOOWW BLA BLA BLA "OOHHH ****" - Marine...
It would be better if it was more like SHA POW POW SHEEEEW BANG! BLAM BLaM POW BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
I'll make that one
lol i can see that when you try to make em spawn the pc way anyways...gurble has a not so good reputation with the modding community (look at CE section at his mods)
Prince_albert wrote:ai overdone, its in bloodgulch, and i dled it, and i thought is sucked big time, the ai was dont have pics, you dont have a prefix...basicaly, every thing about it sux 1/10 cause you had the guts to post crap on this forum....good job.
Whats with this kid? I've seen him in quite a few posts saying people suck, and yet I don't recall seing anything from him.
The following is said in a calm voice, no flaming involved, and I mean no unkind-ness to anybody, if you think you'll be offended, then dont read it.
No I don't agree that he does Andrew,
I dont disagree with him in this particular post, but in another I saw him insulting spikes122, whose apps I have used and have found enjoyable to use, and I dont agree with flat out saying something sucks unless you can put up something better, which he hasn't, at all. So as far im concerned, he should either put up or shut up, if he's saying spikes' stuff sucks i'd really like to see him make something better, that would make my day.
And even if he could, there are better ways of saying it, theres no need for what he said, or any of the flaming by people lately. Just because someone hasn't been here as long or isn't as good as whoever is no reason to tell somebody that
"i thought is sucked big time, the ai was dont have pics, you dont have a prefix...basicaly, every thing about it sux 1/10 cause you had the guts to post crap on this forum....good job. "
Thats just being an asshole, and especially if those people have nothing themselves up here.
It's really rediculous how people act on this site towards newer members, it's incredibly immature, and some people really need to grow up. I mean obviously the best way for the newer members to learn how to act is to teach them to treat newer people like shit. It's great to make them feel afraid of posting anything, because the moment they slip they'll have ten people attacking them for forgetting a prefix or some other dumbass rule this site has.
I really dislike this site, the only reason I'm even here is because there are more people here then in other places, and if it wasn't for that I would stay as far away from here as possible.
so yeah, [/rant], and knowing my luck somebody will probably find some reason to ban me for this, so really, go ahead. It won't bother me in the least.
But anyway, gurble, I think you need to go on a small hiatus and practice your modding skills, then come back, and post a mod that shows a little effort, uniqueness, and originality.
I dl'd it, pics would of helped cuz it wasn't really the best...
and to andrew...knowing what you're talking about doesn't really give the right to start crap with anyone. This map is ALRIGHT, but it could be better. . .
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