Search found 6 matches

by KillerMx1337
Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:28 pm
Forum: NTSC Downloads
Replies: 232
Views: 61347

this looks so amazing, i really can't wait until it comes out! Hope everything is going well with the maps!
by KillerMx1337
Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:54 pm
Forum: NTSC Downloads
Replies: 232
Views: 61347

looks amazing, can't wait till all the bugs are out of it
by KillerMx1337
Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:51 am
Forum: Downloads
Topic: 4 new modz with new mc skin
Replies: 40
Views: 7516

From the pics so far, i'm diggin ascension and midship. And the skin on the MC is pretty cool, a bit different and unique from anything else i've seen lately like the blood covered MC. Good job
by KillerMx1337
Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:23 pm
Forum: Images
Topic: [WIP] The Fast and The Furious: Miami
Replies: 121
Views: 8578

You most def need to post a beta to this mod. It looks amazing and i'm sure it plays great too! Nice work on the skins!
by KillerMx1337
Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:09 pm
Forum: Downloads
Topic: [MAPPACK] KilltrocityMappack 2
Replies: 380
Views: 59845

Has anyone else gotten a static image screen after exiting the post game report and going back into it by pressing the white button?
by KillerMx1337
Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:39 am
Forum: Downloads
Topic: [mod] Battle of Blood Gulch beta (ai) by, SnakeJKnight
Replies: 65
Views: 6426

Well, can't we just take a SP BSP conversion map and put AI in there considering wouldn't it still have the AI path for them to move about freely?? or will we end up with the same thing we already have... idk just an idea